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Geliebtes Zuhause

Geliebtes Zuhause


superReal (part of Dept)

from Germany
Categories Others Colours White

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"Geliebtes Zuhause, the successful online store portal for design, homes and lifestyle, presents a new look and a comprehensive website relaunch. The new, streamlined design reinforces the fresh and modern look and feel of the site. The diverse range of products is categorised into collections that have been assembled with great care. Various topic categories inspire customers and encourage them to browse. “Katja” is the main virtual personality behind Geliebtes Zuhause. Her successful blog is now integrated as a permanent element of the new store page. She provides customers and brand fans with insights into her world: trends, inspirations, her own ideas and themes, and behind-the-scenes news from international design and fashion shows. Professional store management and optimised store performance ensure that shopping is incredibly straightforward. The products are presented in a striking and visually appealing manner, while numerous colour and filter options enhance the updated usability of the store. The logo of Geliebtes Zuhause was also completely redesigned by superReal, with various versions for different display options. Software and sR products that were used: OXID eShop Enterprise Edition sR Performance sR Search sR CMS "