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Hi there, My name is Liza. I'm a graphic designer from New Jersey. Me and my partner have embarked on this journey to create a company with a bold, creative voice that offers an artsy platform for those looking to add to their identity both visually and conceptually. As of right now, our shop consists of t-shirts, art prints, and creative projects, such as our think tank. Our mission is to constantly think outside the box and to help others do the same. A few fun things you can check out on the website: the think tank page (hover over cubes), on the about us page click and hold the banner image, contact page hover over letter at bottom, and button hovers on homepage. Thanks so much for your consideration, we worked hard and hope you like it. Site Description: Here having a "Hollow Leg" is defined as having a limitless drive to cultivate curiosity and take in new perspective. Our goal is to create an exploration of these ideas through graphic t-shirts, art prints, writing and interaction. Enjoy!